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Kestrel 5500FW Fire Weather Meter Pro


    The 5500FW provides critical environmental data for wildland firefighters and offers built-in calculation of Probability of Ignition (PIG) and Fine Dead Fuel Moisture (FDFM) with no reference tables needed! This versatile meter also measures wind speed, direction (wind direction and orientation), relative humidity, temperature, wet bulb temperature (psychrometric), altitude, density altitude, barometric pressure, crosswind/headwind/tailwind, heat stress index, dew point temperature, station pressure (absolute pressure), and wind chill. The meter tracks and logs over 10,000 sets of time-stamped data. On-screen graphing of history allows for the observation of environmental trends and more intuitive prediction of fire behavior. Additional features include a compass and a large, hi-res, hi-contrast, graphic display that is easily readable in bright sunlight and is also backlit for nighttime use. The rugged 5500FW is waterproof to IP67 standards, floats, and is drop tested to MIL-STD-810G standards. The meter can be used as a hand-held device or mounted on a tripod (sold separately) using a vane mount. Lanyard, protective pouch, lithium AA battery (average life 400 hours), certificate of conformity, and instruction manual are included. Five-year manufacturers warranty.



    SENSORS Wind Speed/Air Flow Accuracy: Larger of 3% of reading, least significant digit or 20 ft/min. Resolution: 0.1 m/s; 1 ft/min; 0.1 km/h; 0.1 mph; 0.1 knots. Specification Range: 0.6 to 40.0 m/s; 118 to 7,874 ft/min; 2.2 to 144.0 km/h; 1.3 to 89.5 mph; 1.2 to 77.8 knots. Ambient Temperature Accuracy: 0.9 F; 0.5 C. Resolution: 0.1 F; 0.1 C. Specification Range: -20.0 to 158.0 F; -29.0 to 70.0 C. Relative Humidity Accuracy: 2%RH. Resolution: 0.1%RH. Specification Range: 10 to 90% 25C non-condensing. Pressure Accuracy: 1.5 mbar at 25C, 700-1100 mbar/ 0.044inHg at 77F 20.67- 32.48 inHg/ 0.022 PSI 10.15-15.95 PSI. Resolution: 0.01 inHg; 0.1 hPa/mbar; 0.01 PSI. Specification Range: 25C/77F; 700-1100 mbar; 20.67-32.48 inHg; 10.15 – 15.95 PSI. Compass Accuracy: 5. Resolution: 1; 1/16th Cardinal Scale. Specification Range: 0 to 360. CALCULATED MEASUREMENTS Air Density Accuracy: 0.0002 lb/ft3; 0.0033 kg/m3. Resolution: 0.001 lbs/ft3; 0.001 kg/m3. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Pressure. Air Flow Accuracy: 6.71%. Resolution: 1 cfm; 1 m3/hr; 1 m3/m; 0.1m3/s; 1 L/s. Sensors Employed: Air Flow, User Input (Duct Shape & Size). Altitude Accuracy: typical 23.6 ft/7.2 m, – 750 to 1100 mBar; max 48.2 ft/14.7 m 300 to 750 mBar. Resolution: 1 ft; 1m. Sensors Employed: Pressure, User Input (Reference Pressure). Barometric Pressure Accuracy: 0.07 inHg; 2.4 hPa|mbar; 0.03 PSI. Resolution: 0.01 inHg; 0.1 hPa|mbar; 0.01 PSI. Sensors Employed: Pressure, User Input (Reference Altitude). Crosswind & Headwind/ Tailwind Accuracy: 7.1%. Resolution: 1 mph; 1 ft/min; 0.1 km/h; 0.1 m/s; 0.1 knots. Sensors Employed: Wind Speed, Compass. Delta T Accuracy: 3.2 F; 1.8 C. Resolution: 0.1 F; 0.1 C. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure. Density Altitude Accuracy: 226 ft; 69 m. Resolution: 1 ft; 1m. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure. Dew Point Accuracy: 3.4 F; 1.9 C; 15-95% RH. Refer to Range for Temperature Sensor. Resolution: 0.1 F; 0.1 C. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity. Evaporation Rate Accuracy: 0.01 lb/ft2/hr; 0.06 kg/m2/hr. Resolution: 0.01 b/ft2/hr; 0.01 kg/m2/hr. Sensors Employed: Wind Speed; Temperature; Relative Humidity; Pressure User Input (Concrete Temperature). Heat Index Accuracy: 7.1F; 4.0C. Resolution: 0.1 F; 0.1 C. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity. Moisture Content/Humidity Ratio (Grains) Accuracy: .3gpp .4g/kg. Resolution: 0.1 gpp; 0.01 g/kg. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure. Probability of Ignition (PIG) Accuracy: Max, 10%PIG, Accuracy dependent on proximity to reference table threshold. Resolution: 10%PIG. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity. Relative Air Density Accuracy: 0.3%. Resolution: 0.1%. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure. Wet Bulb Temperature – Psychrometric Accuracy: 3.2 F; 1.8 C. Resolution: 0.1 F; 0.1 C. Sensors Employed: Temperature, Relative Humidity, Pressure. Wind Chill Accuracy: 1.6 F; 0.9 C. Resolution: 0.1 F; 0.1 C. Sensors Employed: Wind Speed, Temperature.


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