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Bixpy PWC Motors DIY Fin Adapter for Inflatables (K-1 & J-2 Motors)


If you own an inflatable kayak or an inflatable stand up paddle board(or inflatable anything) and would like to motorize it, you now have the perfect companion: theDIY Fin Adapter for Inflatables.

For inflatables that dont have a fin box/plate, you can glue the provided flexible fin plate to the bottom of your vessel using PVC or urethane adhesive glue. Then using theprovided Slide & Lock adapter, you’ll be able toeasily slide your Bixpy Motor onto your newly installed fin box.

This fin box does NOT ship with adhesive as you will need to select your own adhesive depending on what you will be installing to. The fin box material is PVC. So if you’re glueing to a PVC surface, you can use a PVC to PVC adhesive. If you’re gluing your fin box to another type of surface, you should do some research and make sure to use the appropriate adhesive. If you have doubts about your boat’s construction, please contact your boat maker for the best advice or reach out to us and we’ll do our best to help

Make sure that you are getting the right Bixpy adapter for your watercraft

* Motors shown in the pictures above are not included in the adapter kit


    • Protection: Water-proof, dirt-proof and corrosion resistant housing and componentsfor salt water or fresh water use
    • Water use: All PVC materials made for salt water or fresh water use
    • Easily attached to inflatable and PVC materials using adhesive glue


    • Inflatable Fin Box – Adapter
    • Bixpy Slide & Lock Fin Adapter
    • All hardware required


    • Motor draft: 6″ (15 cm)


      1year warranty from date of purchase


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